Friday, 21 November 2014

Module 1, Part 1, Task 3c - Sources of Information

It is hard to put into order the sources that I use most for information for my professional practise, however here are my top 5.

1. Dancerspro

I would say I use this website the most. I get multiple emails from them every day with new jobs that have been posted. They range from performing to teaching, both in this country and abroad. It opens my eyes to what is available out there. Living in Yorkshire, there isn't always a lot going on nearby for dancers, but if there does happen to be a random job I'm suitable for, Dancerspro let's me know about it. As I mentioned in my blog for task 1b, being a part of this website can have negative implications. When I first joined the website and uploaded my information to my profile I thought that only people who were part of the website would be able to view it, however recently it has come to my attention that anyone can.

2. Facebook

I have all my friends that I've met throughout my dance career and beyond on my Facebook. I am also part of the Facebook group 'The Hustle' which is a private group for professional dancers. It's a go to site if you're looking for somewhere to live or advice from other dancers. There are sometimes auditions posted on there too and if a friend sees one that they think I am suitable for they will tag me in it, and vice versa. The dance school I work for has their own Facebook page also, so I can get updates easily from them via that. I do like to keep my work life and personal life separate though, so I often chat with people through the Messenger section rather than publicly on my wall.

3. Talking with friends and colleagues.

Through talking with friends in the business and work colleagues I find out about recent news; What auditions may be coming up, what shows are going on tour, if there are any opportunities going etc. Locally I also find out about teaching work and making contacts around the area.

4. The Stage newspaper/website

The Stage Newspaper has been around for a long time. There are often interesting articles in there related to the business and also some auditions are posted in there. They now have a website version too and articles from there are often posted and shared on Facebook.

5. Spotlight

Almost all performers are part of Spotlight. Auditions are posted here with breakdowns of shows and specific parts. Agents can apply or auditions for you with your Spotlight page and all your need to know details are on there. They send regular emails with updates when new auditions get posted. I have actually discontinued my Spotlight recently though as I wasn't making use of it anymore. It's one of those things that most begrudge paying out for but for some reason you've just got to be part of it.


  1. I can relate to you with living outside of London, I have set my TalentCast 'casting cities' as most of the UK to make sure I see everything that is available but having it set like you do on DancersPro might help me to focus in on what is most useful for me.
    I have never been a part of spotlight, I haven't needed to be so far but you have made me think about looking into it a bit more. It could provide me with more opportunities.
    Thanks x

  2. Hi Rachel, it is hard not being in London where the dance industry is based in this country but it seems like you are keeping in touch using friends and the internet. Dance as a career takes a lot of hard work and patience I have found but this can be helped along by creating as much web presence as possible in my opinion. Ones talent speaks for itself, its just getting your name across that is sometimes the hard part. Have you thought about creating your own website? This will give you a higher footing in any google search for dancers.
