I much preferred Math at school than English, so originally I would have thought I'd prefer to do my journal taking in the form of graphs and charts. They're a clear visual and good for making comparisons. I am also big on making lists. When thinking about so much it helps me to write it out and I often realise my workload is more manageable than first thought. However I found both of these forms of journals weren't in-depth enough for me to be able to reflect on.
Instead I enjoyed doing a description with my initial reflection and evaluation. I often have a lot on and therefore a lot going on in my head so it was nice to just get it all out on paper. It may not necessarily make chronological sense, just writing thoughts as and when they come, but it felt like a relief to write it down and then make sense of it later. I like to be able to go back to my journal after a day or two and expand on it, deepening my thought. I usually love writing things down with a pen and paper as it helps me to learn however for this exercise I felt it was more beneficial to write my journal on the computer. This meant I could write faster and didn't get hand cramp!
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