Friday, 16 October 2015

Catch Up


I haven't written for a very long time as I had to defer my module 2 due to work commitments so I thought I'd write a brief blog on what I've been up to.

I'm currently coming to the end of a 9 month dance contract. You'd think it would all be quietening down nicely in the run up to the end, but unfortunately not. I've been working 14 hour days with rarely a day off. I don't have a day off now until the end of my contact which is 2 weeks on Monday. Trying to fit my studies in in the mean time is proving very difficult and it's been hard to try and get my study brain back on!

I'm currently trying to think about what I want to do my inquiry in to. Initially I wanted to do dance and mental health and how it can be used as a form of therapy but that has nothing to do with my current job, or any job I've don. It's just an area I'm interested in but with the way the course is set up I'm not sure that it will work. So I'm now thinking about doing something to do with 'What makes a good manager' as this can be spread across both jobs I currently do and every job I've ever done. As a dance captain you are acting as a manager, as a dance school owner you act as a manager and I can tell you I've worked with the good, the bad and the down right ugly! In my second job I manage a business; I really enjoy it and think this could be something I might pursue in the future after my dance career is over therefore this could be a great line of inquiry for me.

I'm off to read reader 4 and get caught up! Bye! x